Thursday, February 27, 2020

The evolution of the smartphone markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The evolution of the smartphone markets - Essay Example This paper aims to discuss the evolution of Smartphone markets with reference to the model of monopolistic competition as it deals with the differentiated products. On the other hand discussion will cover the theory of network externalities because different Smartphone companies are offering entirely different operating platforms. More specifically the paper will discuss questions pertaining to the current competition in the Smartphone market and its potential to evolve in future. How Smartphone manufacturing firms will be competing over the time, what would be their business strategies, which of the firms are expected to rule the Smartphone market and how firms will generate profits in the long run? Markets of differentiated products are primarily dominated by competition over simple features and functions. However, over the time the nature of competition transforms and hence the competitors have to advance the operating platforms so as to gain competitive edge (Barrows, 2009:110). In broader terms it can be said that the evolution of Smartphone markets underwent two phases, for instance, the competition started with variations in the physical features and then it led to the significant changes in operating systems. Thus it is important to analyze this subject with respect to the above mentioned questions. In order to do this secondary data sources are used including books, journals and websites. Initially the type of market for which Smartphones are manufactured is specified. This is followed by the critical analysis with the help of economic models. The Monopolistic Competition Model It basically defines the first stage of the evolution of Smartphone market. It refers to particular economic setting where companies manufacture similar products with slight variations (Barrows, 2009:110). For instance, Smartphones are differentiated on the basis of functions, features, color, design etc. however, their fundamental purpose is to connect people and smooth the com munication channels. Hence in this way the consumers are given an advantage of using the comparable products with some differences (Himmelsbach, 2013:3). One of the factors influencing monopolistic competition is elasticity which actually plays a major role in the overall evolution of Smartphone market. The demand cross price elasticity of two unrelated products is either zero or near to zero, for example, the increase in demand of water will have no impact over the demand of shoes. But when the nature of products is differentiated then the cross price elasticity has significantly positive results (Barrows, 2009:110). For example, the demand of Android phones impact the demand of iOS Smartphones. This can be further substantiated on the basis of the fact that differentiated products can be used as substituted and therefore the demand of one product directly influences the demand of its close substitute. The Theory of Network Externalitie

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Discuss the evidence that Phospholipase C zeta (PLC) is the primary Essay

Discuss the evidence that Phospholipase C zeta (PLC) is the primary candidate for oocyte activation - Essay Example There has to be an increase in free Ca2+ in the egg cytosol (Swann 1990). The activation process of oocytes in mammals entails a sequence of joint actions originated by distinctive calcium (Ca2+) oscillations within the cells(Markoulaki, 2004). This commences quickly after gamete union and continues past the conclusion of meiosis. Previous research conducted by a number of scholars shown that a specific isoform present in the semen of mammals is responsible for triggering the process of oocyte activation.In order to validate the evidence that PLC –Z is a primary ingredient in the oocyte activation, the paper will look at the Sperm factor model. The model suggests that during sperm–egg union, a soluble element is transferred from the semen cytosol to the ooplasm, able to trigger the 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) signaling passageway and consequent Ca2+ vacillations in inseminated eggs ( Saunders et al., 2006).This paper will establish the premise that phospholipase C zeta is the primary candidate for oocyte activation. It is important to know the structure and the functions of the PLC-zeta. All known isozymes are comprised of the catalytic X and Y purviews together with several controlling domains, comprising a pleckstrin homology (PH) purview, EF hand designs, and C2 purview in different conformations, reliant on the isozyme, where every domain executes definite functions (Nomikos et al, 2013). PLC Zeta has a structure which has the X and Y domains that is consistent with all PLC isoforms. That is, a solitary C2 purview which has four EF hand domains in tandem. However, PLC Zeta is different from other PLC isoforms because it does not have the pleckstrin homology and Src homology purviews (Cox et al., 2002). Therefore, the lack of those two homologies makes PLC Zeta to appear very small. They have a mass of 70 kDa in individuals and 74 kDa in rats. The figure below shows the linear structure of PLC Zeta. Fig 1.0 is a Graphic rectilinear